Thursday, May 7, 2009

Day 5: Blessings On Our Meal

Food should be appreciated more. I think this is part of the problem in our country these days. Food is taken for granted. It is cheap to buy and easy to prepare. There is no need for hours of slaving in the field or the kitchen (for most people). With the industrial revolution came easier lives for farmers and moms. And I'm not knocking this but we have come to the point where it is too easy. So easy that we don't really care. We don't care (or know) what went into making the food or transporting it. We don't care what effect it has on our bodies and our health. We act as if food doesn't matter.

When food doesn't matter it is easy to eat junk and feed your kids junk. I often wonder how people can be so blase about what they put into their bodies. I was guilty of this too. So I suppose I can answer the question myself. I have to admit that I just really didn't think it mattered. Now, I do believe that it matters. I really do think that you are what you eat (which would make me a tall glass of milk right about now).

But I also think that attitude is important. I remember reading somewhere that in Ayurvedic thinking your state of mind when preparing food can affect it's nutritional value. So, it's not just about eating the perfect diet, it's also about doing what feels good. Striking this balance is hard. But it is also important to remember that comfort food is usually the stuff that is not good for you.

Back to my original thought. If there was a way to make people appreciate food more then perhaps people could be convinced to eat more healthy foods. One way to do this is to introduce people to super tasty AND healthy food. Like a juicy grass-fed steak smothered in butter, heavy cream and mushrooms (you can tell I'm still craving the steak). This is actually good for you and it's delicious. A twinkie might not look as good after that meal. Another way is to bring them to farms. I think if we visited sustainable farms and created a connection with the land, the food, and ourselves, we might appreciate food more.

And when you appreciate food, I mean, really appreciate it, you probably won't eat as much. Savor each bite, enjoy the whole experience (I think this is also an Ayurvedic concept) and you will feel satiated with less. It is also our duty to pass on an appreciation of food to our children. I love this about anthroposophical pedagogy (basis for Waldorf education). They really try to instill a reverence and appreciation for food at each meal. I need to work on that more.

So, speaking of appreciating food, I love food and I miss it. I know I spoke with big words about drinking milk for 30 days but I just don't see it happening. I just don't feel healthy right now. I do admit that during the day I feel pretty good and I have been having pretty strong endorphin rushes but by about 3 PM every day I feel dizzy and weak. My optimism wanes with the passing of the hours each day. Perhaps I'm not consuming enough and for sure I'm not resting enough. I am supposed to be doing this whole thing on bedrest but that is not an option for me with 2 little ones.

Without this blog I would have stopped this thing days ago. I am proud to say that I haven't cheated at all, like I don't even lick my fingers after peeling a banana for my daughter. But I do find it hard to go on. And yet hard to give up.


  1. thanks for being an advocate for raw milk! We drink it in our family and reap tremendous health benefits. Here is an article that was published last year in Healthy Beginnings Magazine ( from Agriculture Society ( Why the Consumption of Milk is Harmful to Your Health.......

  2. Thank you! I will check those out.
